How to Deal with Dog Separation Anxiety

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I've had quite a few new dogs in for training with separation anxiety so I wanted to break it down and touch on all the contributing factors that cause this to happen and how we can help our dogs relax. First, we need to determine if it is true separation anxiety vs. confinement anxiety. If your dog is ok being left alone to free roam while you are out and only throws tantrums in the crate, it is probably the confinement part of the equation that is making them anxious. If your dog whines, cries, barks or destroys things while you are gone, it is true separation anxiety. While we address issues in the crate the same, other factors come into play outside of the crate and we need to make sure we address those accordingly. 

Issues in the Crate

One of my dogs in for training is totally fine to free roam and will go in his crate willingly while people are home, but as soon as you shut the door and go to leave an all out tantrum will occur. When they were trying to crate train him as a puppy, the business downstairs actually threatened to call the police on them because there was so much barking (!!!). Understandably, that stopped their crate training efforts in its tracks. 

The reality is that sometimes dogs need to be crated, whether thats when they go to the vets, when you are staying at someone else's house, when you go away or whatever reason! A lot of times it is for the dogs own safety, so that they don't get into things they shouldn't. Creating a cozy, safe space for your dogs is always something I will advocate for. 

The first step in introducing (or re-introducing) the crate is to create polite manners when entering and exiting the crate. Creating a permission-based relationship with your dog will allow your dog to relax and not worry about what is going to happen next.

To start, I have the dog on a leash and prong so I am able to create clarity about what I do and don't want. Walk briskly up to the crate and stop abruptly at the door while using gentle leash pressure to guide the dog back if they try and rush in. After a moment of politeness, you can say "crate" and guide the dog in using gentle leash pressure. Once in, the majority of dogs will immediately turn around and try to come back out. In this scenario, you can use the crate door and close it to keep the dog from rushing out. As the dog begins to relax, you can slowly open the door. If they try to push their way out, close the door and repeat as needed until they are fully relaxed with the door open.

Once they are able to wait in the crate with the door open, you can pick up the leash and give your release command "ok" and allow them to exit the crate. Continue to do repetitions of this until your dog is going in and out with ease. Creating clarity in situations that typically cause your dog to have anxiety makes them feel safe. Most dogs just don't understand that they are to stay in there and wait for you to return. 

Interrupting the Anxiety Cycle

Once you have created a solid foundation for polite manners entering and exiting the crate, you can begin to start leaving your dog in the crate with the door closed for short amounts of time while you are home. I understand that sometimes we need to put the dog in the crate and go to work, but the time to practice this is when you don't have to leave and you can take your time working through these training exercises. This also helps the dog understand that spending time in their crate isn't a cue that you are getting ready to leave. 

Start with 5 minutes in the crate. Once you walk away, the chance is very high that your dog will start to bark, whine claw at the crate, etc. It is super important to interrupt these moments. You need to interrupt with something that the dog deems a valuable consequence. How do you know the consequence worked? The behavior stops. I personally use an Ecollar, pet convincer or a bonker. The goal is to stop the anxiety cycle in its tracks so that your dog has no other option but to relax. The behaviors that you need to interrupt may be very subtle and can include smelling the bars, pushing against the bars with their nose, pawing excessively at their bed, etc. The earlier you stop this, the less chance your dog will have to escalate. 

Once you are able to get your dog solid in the crate while you are there, now its time to leave! When I have dogs in for training I will just go out front and watch them on a baby monitor so I "left" but I am still able to hear them and correct. You can also use Facetime or an app on your phone/computer if you don't have a baby monitor handy! Again, start with short times and gradually increase as your dog begins to relax.

Leaving the House

If your dog has any type of anxiety revolving around you leaving I always stress to never make a big deal of good-byes. It is sad to leave your dog for the day, but in order to help them work through this we need to set them up to be successful. No talking, no petting, no lingering goodbyes. All of this causes their adrenaline to begin to increase and heighten their anxiety. We want to keep the dogs adrenaline as low as possible when we leave so they have the best chance of staying calm and self-regulating their emotions. 

I would also recommend putting your dog in their crate 15-20 minutes before you actually leave so that you have the opportunity to interrupt the anxiety cycle right off the bat. This way you can leave when your dog is in its calmest state. 

Controlling Movement

Typically dogs with separation anxiety have other "symptoms" as well so when starting a new training client I always ask about the dynamics when the owners are home. The majority of the time the dog is following them around the house from room to room and has to be directly next to them at all times. This is your dog controlling the space in the house and every time you move away they "panic" and to alleviate that feeling they get closer to you. In the wild, packs of dogs never separate so it is natural for your dog to feel anxiety about it. Unfortunately we can't spend all day with our dogs, we do have to buy them food! 

With that being said, it is important to prepare our dogs to be independent from us and teach our dogs how to cope when we do leave. Teaching a super solid place command with lots of duration sprinkled in helps our dog learn how to self-soothe and cope with not being near us at all times. Separation anxiety is a tough one to crack in training as it takes time and you need to be super consistent. Just like with people, mindset can change so keep going! And for tough cases, I would definitely reccomennd getting help with a dog training professional near you. 


Leash Reactivity - Why It Happens and How To Fix it

Leash reactivity (lunging/barking/growling on leash at other dogs, people, or small animals) can develop from a multitude of reasons, and it is actually the number one problem dog owners contact me about for training! It usually starts with a small growl, a look, or tension and before you can blink it turns into a full blown meltdown at the end of the leash. So let's break it down:

dog training baltimore dog reactivity

1. Why it Happens

It can happen for one of two reasons. The dog is scared and throwing a fit makes the other dog/person back away/give space, or the dog is extremely excited and the leash (or fence) creates frustration that the dog can't reach what they want so a meltdown ensues. A lot of dogs are fine once off-leash because they can either create space or are able to reach what they want. This is exactly why I don't immediately categorize these dogs as aggressive, even if the behavior looks scary. 

  • Fear: Fearful dogs want to run away. If they can't escape they will do the next best thing, which is fight (or at least let everyone know they are ready to). Many times we miss the opportunity to advocate for our dogs at the first sign of them being uncomfortable. This develops into a pattern and they learn that if they go on the offense and act intimidating, no one will even approach them. 
  • Excitement: Excited dogs often times lack impulse control, so as soon as they see another dog, they want to go and greet it! Obviously the leash will prevent that and the frustration of not being able to greet can cause an explosion of sorts. This can also develop into a habit of seeing dog = meltdown. 

How to Fix it:

I always tell my clients that dog training is a lifestyle, not a set of commands. The reasons for dogs bad behavior has many layers and breaking them down makes them easier for you and your dog to digest. 

1. Build Impulse Control Inside

A dog's attitude has everything to do with bad behavior so we always start there. If your dog feels entitled to run the show inside the house, they will most certainly feel that way on the walk. Leadership exercises are where we start: Going through thresholds, coming in and out of the crate and waiting for food. These exercises are such a valuable way to build impulse control and teach your dog that they need to wait patiently and not act on every single feeling they have. Leash reactivity starts long before the walk with your dog even begins. 

2. Block the reaction

When dogs are excited or fearful, their emotions are in a heightened state. Their adrenaline is pumping and hearts racing so making good decisions is much harder, if not impossible for them to do. When we block this response, it allows them to clear their mind and focus in on what is important, you! The interruption can be with an Ecollar tap, prong collar correction, pet corrector, or whatever is valuable enough to your dog to stop. If we do not use a consequence that the dog deems valuable, we allow them to stay stuck in an endless loop of anxiety and frustration. 

3. Show the dog behavior that you do want

Once your dog has a clear mind, we can start showing them what we do want. Dogs want to know that someone is in charge, so they don't have to worry or stress our about what is going to happen next. We ask all of our dogs for a nice heel, so that becomes their "job" and the only thing they need to focus on during their walk. This allows dogs to relax and just enjoy their time outside with you. For reshaping your dogs emotional response to other dogs we use a "crittering" technique you can learn more about here. In short, we teach dogs using Ecollar pressure on low-levels that being overly aroused by other dogs or small animals isn't as comfortable anymore, and when they make the choice to redirect their attention they are rewarded with food. 

This is of course a condensed break-down of leash reactivity, and there are many variables that I haven't touched on. It is a process, but please know that there is hope! Dog's bad behavior are habits, built over time. The great part about this is that new habits can be built in their place! 

Posted on December 7, 2017 .

Why I Use Prong Collars

There are so many tools in dog training, and it can certainly be overwhelming trying to choose. There is also a lot of information out there on what training tools to use and why or why not. Dog training methods bring out the passion in people and I completely understand as this is where I started too! My foster dog was OUT.OF.CONTROL. and no amounts of treats or bribes would help! I dutifully did my homework from each training class to no avail. I was frustrated and at the end of my rope. I had asked my rescue for help and advice and was met with silence (a post for another day:). This led me on a long and windy google adventure which landed me where I am today. 

I still cringe thinking about one of the first walks I took him on the Promenade in Canton. This is a beautiful walkway which has the most amazing views of the Inner Harbor with incredible houses overlooking the water. I was with some girlfriends and we were walking to a coffee shop in Fells Point. We never made it. He was on a slip lead and I was so miserable that we had to turn around. He dragged me all over the path, my arm was sore and he couldn't even see another dog or he would let out this awful screeching noise. I was embarrassed, defeated and couldn't wait to get home. 

I think back now to the difference that training tools could have made and it honestly makes me sad. He would have enjoyed so much more and I would have enjoyed my time more with him. My experience with him set me on my path so I don't regret it a bit, but this is why I am so passionate about SHOWING people the difference that training tools can make. It is one thing to talk about it, but when I saw other dog trainers making a difference in such a short amount of time I was hooked. 

Prong collars look bad, there is no doubt about that. Before I started in balanced training, I too felt that hesitation! But the reality is that this is how your dog communicates, and it starts from birth. The prongs mimic the mouth of another dog. When rearing her puppies, the mother dog uses pressure from her mouth to communicate. Have you ever seen a video (or real life) of a puppy biting its mother too hard? The consequence is immediate and to the point. She's not mad, but puppy teeth hurt and she wants to make sure they don't do it again. What about a dog at a dog park that is pestering another dog or being rude? A dog that is balanced will use its mouth to let the other dog know that its not ok to do that. Sometimes they get it, and sometimes the dog will have to give a firmer correction to get his point across. 

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The beauty of the prong collar is that it can be incredibly soft and the results are almost immediate when introduced properly. Most dogs are so out of control because they truly don't understand what you are asking. The pressure brings familiarity and understanding to your conversation. When I introduce the prong, it is to show the dog to give to the pressure and follow my lead. Dogs need stability and crave structure. This allows them to relax and make better choices when faced with exciting situations. 

The following video is this dogs first time in a prong collar. The very first step in training is to cut out the adrenaline and ask them to follow me. As you can see, the dog immediately relaxed and began giving some great eye contact. The end goal of training is always a better relationship with good communication. 




Posted on November 28, 2017 and filed under dog training.

The Magic of Duration Work

In most dog training programs, basic obedience is a core focus. And rightfully so! Obedience is the gateway to better behavior. But the true transformation happens when duration work is added in. Active commands are definitely important, especially when in distracting situations where adrenaline is involved, but the duration will make those moments so much easier on you and your dog. 

place dog trainer baltimore


It is basically "doggie-meditation" and will teach your dog to quiet his mind and have better control of their emotions. Just like humans, our thoughts can control us or we control them. Teaching our dogs that they aren't responsible for what happens around them removes all of their stress and anxiety about having to control the situation. Who comes to the door, who is walking outside of the house, animals in the yard are no longer their concern. What a relief for them!

Holding command for extended periods of time is the ultimate practice of impulse control. Dogs who display problematic behaviors like leash reactivity, charging the door, barking at everything outside, jumping, etc. all struggle with impulse control! Being excited/aroused by something and then immediately acting upon that impulse. Teaching dogs that they have a job to do, and that they are only responsible for holding that command is the way through. 

If you teach your dog nothing else, teach them place! Start small, while you are watching tv, or just hanging out. Then start to increase the distraction, like walking around and knocking on the door. Soon enough, your dog will be relaxing on their own! After my clients are finished with their packages, their homework is to continue with a place command daily to maintain training. Cultivating a calm mind takes practice, practice, practice. Soon enough it will be a habit and you will have a calm, happy dog with a clear mind who is ready for direction. Start today! Your dog will thank you. 

Posted on October 31, 2017 .

Ways to drain excess energy in your dog

Sometimes after training, dogs still need that extra "something" to tire them out. This is common with working dogs and power breeds (Pitbulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, etc.). Some dogs were bred to have that extra stamina, and as much physical activity/mental activity as you do, it may still not be enough. Our goal in training is to teach the dog to choose calmness and regulate their emotions, but taking the edge off will definitely make it easier for your dog to get there. Here are some ways that I recommend to clients to help when obedience and regular walks just aren't cutting it (Where to buy links at the bottom of this post):

1. Backpacks

dog backpack - obedience training baltimore

This is the easiest option because you can just strap it on during a regular walk and go! Backpacks give dogs a job and a sense of purpose, even if they are just carrying it back to the house! We get to leave the house and go to work everyday, so your dog having a job will fulfill that same need. 

It will also add "extra" time to your walk. When your dog walks with a weighted backpack on a normal 30-minute walk, it will provide the same physical challenge as a 1-hour walk. Your dog will have more focus on what he is carrying, and less on what is going on around him. 

The general rule for how much weight you should add is 10-12% of the dogs body weight. However, you should start small and add more weight as time goes on. As for what to add in the pouches, I have used water bottles, cans of food and rice. But you can get creative! Please be aware of what your dog can handle, and if they have any sort of health issues with joints or overexerting themselves, it may not be best to use this method. 

2. Flirt Pole

flirt pole - dog obedience training baltimore

This is a fun one that you AND your dog will enjoy. It drains energy quickly and is great practice of impulse control. You can add in obedience to mix it up, and then let your dog have some fun! The best part is that you don't have to leave your house, and while your dog gets an amazing workout, you don't have to ;)

The toy at the end of the rope mimics prey, and all you have to do is stand and drag the toy on the ground (or high up for some jumps if you're feeling it!). For dogs with high prey drive this is a great way to practice being aroused, and then stopping when you say so. The "on/off" switch if you will! 

Make sure your dog has a solid "out" command, and the game ends when you say so. Also be sure to practice sit/downs in less exciting environments first, so we can be fair when we ask for obedience with more distractions. 

3. Tug-of-War

dog tug behavior baltimore

Tug-of-War can be a controversial one because it can create conflict between the handler and dog. If your dog has any type of aggression issue please do not do this without professional guidance. With that being said, it is also a great way to reinforce boundaries while still having fun. 

Like the flirt pole, it gives your dog an outlet for that excess energy and gives you an opportunity to work obedience and impulse control. Allowing your dog to get into a high state of arousal and then calling them off is excellent practice for real world situations. Again, it is super important to make sure your dog has a solid "out" command and you have practiced obedience in lower distraction environments first. 

Where to buy:

1. Backpack

2. Flirt Pole

3. Tug

Posted on October 25, 2017 .

Having issues on the Walk? Start inside!

pug dog training baltimore

The majority of my clients come to me with some sort of issue with the walk with their dog whether it be pulling on the leash, barking at other dogs or people, or just completely tuning them out. And my very first question is, "How are they inside?" 

A lot of the dogs are calm per se, but won't listen when called, jump on furniture, freely roam and pace, jump on guests, and bark at the door. I always advise my clients when they are struggling outside with their dog that they absolutely need to tighten up the boundaries inside. The majority of bad behaviors in dogs are rooted in fear (barking, lunging, territorial stuff). Dogs that feel they are in control will more often than not make bad choices simply because they feel they are in danger and need to protect themselves. 

A common problem once we get the walk situated is that the dogs head is on a "swivel" and is constantly looking around. This is the jumping off point for arousal and although they are calmer, any sort of stimulation could set them off, starting the cycle all over again. The ideal position for a dog to be in on a walk is head directly next to or behind your knee. If the dog has more serious behavioral issues, the head needs to be further back to create a clearer boundary that they are no longer in charge. If you watch any clip of a wolf pack traveling, the followers are behind the leader with their heads down, in a determined trot to their destination. 

So how do we fix this? The very first place we start with every dog in training is the Place Command. This teaches your dog to have an off switch, builds impulse control and to make good decisions on their own. The value is this command is the duration, as it is a doggie meditation of sorts that shows your dog that he can turn off his mind, relax, and not need to worry about what is going on around him. Your dogs only job is to stay on his bed. Once they get good, you can practice increasing distraction, duration, and distance, and adding triggers.

Starting inside with low distractions will get your dog in a state of mind that defers issues to you, therefore not worrying about everything thats going on around them. Dogs that are constantly looking around are worried! Providing them with leadership and clear boundaries gives your dog a sense of peace that they no longer have to worry about being in control. Do yourself and your dog a favor, teach the place command!

Should I let my dog on the furniture?

The big debate: to allow, or not to allow our dogs on the furniture!

I don't have a one-size-fits-all answer for this question! It all depends on your relationship with your dog. If your dog is territorial, aggressive, guards toys or food, barks excessively or has any other behavior issues I would not recommend it.

When we allow our dogs to have lots of freedom and access to our furniture, beds, etc. it empowers them. It allows our dogs to think that they have permission to make the rules. So if we are trying to curb a bad behavior, the very first thing we start with is removing access to our space.

With that being said, if your dog has zero behavior issues, then snuggle it up (but only with permission first)😊!!!